2024 Legislative Priorities

  • The Criminal Justice Reforms, passed in a budget bill, must be repealed and replaced with more realistic, achievable goals.
  • We reject any effort to defund law enforcement in every locality within New York State.
  • District Attorneys who do not uphold their responsibilities to prosecute criminals who have broken laws must be removed from office immediately.
  • We oppose non-citizen voting.
  • Rejection of extending and/or increasing the personal income tax (PIT) on higher-income New Yorkers.
  • We oppose the adoption of any revenue stream, that does not include a sunset clause, designed to mitigate the COVID-19 deficit, which will become a permanent burden on taxpayers and businesses, and give Albany more money to play with when the impact of COVID recedes.
  • No law should be enacted to overturn the fact that voters overwhelmingly rejected same-day voter registration and no excuse for absentee voting in New York State.
  • We support the adoption of a constitutional amendment that requires the NYS Budget to be strictly limited to budget items and not programs (for example, the Criminal Justice Reform changesthat should stand alone for a legislative vote.
  • We believe that New York’s expanded abortion law should be repealed and the legislature should re-adopt the prior statute permitting therapeutic abortions only under the most clearly defined conditions hazardous to the life of the mother.
  • Terminally ill patients should be provided all palliative care to ease their pain; efforts to have physicians assist their suicide must be rejected.
  • We support term limits for the Governor, Lt. Governor, Comptroller, Attorney General, and Members of the Senate and Assembly and the first passage of a Constitutional Amendment establishing Initiative and Referendum and Recall.
  • We reject efforts to create safe injection sites and are opposed to the recreational use of psychedelic/hallucinogenic mushrooms.
  • We oppose efforts by the Governor and Legislature to create Commissions that possess the authority to make state law.
  • We support law enforcement agencies’ efforts utilizing all effective law enforcement techniques, such as profiling, surveillance, and stop, question, and frisk that keeps citizens safe.
  • We support making all Emergency Medical Services an essential service.
  • We oppose any state efforts to eliminate local zoning.
  • New York State government should require all law enforcement agencies to hold for federal law enforcement officials any person in our state illegally and prohibit any state or municipality from becoming a sanctuary government.
  • We support parental control of their children’s educational choices and classroom experience. We propose that our state’s voters be offered a state constitutional amendment protecting parent’s rights by stating: “The parents and guardians of students in primary and secondary schools shall have full access to their school’s curriculum and source materials before they are presented to students, and shall have the right to participate in their children’s classroom experience. State and local governments may not restrict the formation of charter schools. Crimes committed by students, faculty, or staff, when known by school administrators, must be reported to the local police.”
  • School districts that decide to permit school personnel to have access to firearms should be provided training and support by state and local law enforcement
  • The Conservative Party continues to oppose any effort to provide free college education while acknowledging that the cost of higher education is far too expensive. “Free” community college or universities is even more costly to taxpayers. Therefore, all levels of higher education should be made available online to lower the cost.
  • We believe that any attempt to amend the Human Rights Law to include “transgender” language as a special class of citizens should be rejected.