Issued Jointly by the Five Counties in the City of New York
12 October 2021 / For Immediate Release
Contact: Frances T. Vella-Marrone, Tel. (347) 866-4945
The Conservative Party organizations representing the five counties of the City of New York unequivocally condemn the proposal to eliminate the “Gifted and Talented” program from the City’s public schools, as was recently announced by the mayor.
“The NYC Department of Education’s Gifted and Talented programs are the one shining constant in a system often plagued by counter culture wokes more interested in critical race theory than basic education,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “It is not surprising that Mayor deBlasio, whose legacy is best reflected in New Yorker’s overwhelming desire to see him go, would make one of his last actions the effective elimination of a rare education success story.”
“The Mayor’s decision to end the Gifted and Talented Program is a continuation of his one-size-fits-all approach towards education,” said Bill Pepitone, Conservative Party candidate for Mayor. “Our children need goals to strive towards and a system that supports such, not one that continuously emphasizes and rewards mediocrity.”
“The lack of allowing input by parents of public school students at DOE is the main issue here,” said Tony Herbert, Conservative Party candidate for Public Advocate. “The mayor is just pulling another political stunt thinking he is here to save the day for Black and Brown students while undermining their ability to achieve. I agree with keeping and creating more Gifted and Talented program opportunities throughout the city and supporting better preparation of all our students to succeed in the testing!”
“As someone who attended one of the city’s public elementary schools and was a student in the gifted and talented program, it is disappointing to know that future generations will not have the same opportunity to benefit from this program,” said Richmond County Chairman David Mario Curcio, whose county organization endorsed the secession of Staten Island from the City of New York earlier this year. “This misguided decision is another example of the cancel culture and the latest communist attempt to diminish
individual accomplishment and achievement.”
“This is another attempt by our current administration to curtail individual excellence,” said Bronx County Chairman Patrick McManus. “This time deBlasio and his cohorts are attacking it at its roots; those most vulnerable, our children.”
“The NYC Department of Education should be expanding the Gifted and Talented programs, not eliminating them,” said Kings County Chairwoman Frances T. Vella-Marrone. “These programs give
students the opportunity to excel. This is another example of Mayor deBlasio dismantling a once great school system to suit his social agenda at the expense of the children of the City of New York.”
“This is another attempt by our ungifted and untalented mayor to prevent New York City’s children, mostly minorities, with an opportunity to better themselves,” said New York County Chairman Stuart J. Avrick.
This year’s general election contests, including those for City government, are scheduled for Tuesday, November 2nd, with Conservative Party candidates appearing on Column “C” of the ballot.
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